Spring is a time of renewal and regeneration. The longer days and returning light signal that it's time to emerge from the winter retreat and get going. An analogy I love, and often use, is that of the seed. In Spring, the seed that was nurtured and cared for throughout winter (in human terms: appropriate food, rest and reflective activities) sprouts and bursts through the ground with great force. The seed is in harmony with the cycles of nature and knows it's time to grow. And grow it will!
The energy of Spring is movement and growth. When we're in harmony with the cycles of nature, we naturally move, change and grow at this time of year. In Chinese medicine, Spring is represented by the Wood element, the Liver and Gall Bladder meridians and the colour green. It is a strong, motivating energy that propels us to go forward.
The return of the light is like the dawning of a new day. It brings awakening, renewal and light to those aspects of self that need attention. Areas where you don't want to look (you'll notice resistance or procrastination) are usually exactly where you need to do some work. The typical Wood/Spring imbalances I see in clinic are:
Sound familiar at all? These imbalances can show up in all areas of life, including life-path, career, relationships, physical health and spiritual growth. My goal is to empower you with the clarity, skills and motivation to move forward AND slow down where necessary. A big part of our work is helping to re-pattern any unconscious or negative beliefs that block your growth. How would things be different if you were clear, energised and motivated? How would things be different if you could slow down when needed or express your anger appropriately? Or if you were flexible enough to adapt to new ways of being, new ideas without being a 'doormat' to other people’s needs? Renew your mind, body and spirit with a Spring session. Book your appointment online or call 0423 493 255. I look forward to seeing you soon! Nadine x
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Nadine Bertalli
I help people stress less, live calmly, confidently and move forward with clarity and ease. I’m an experienced practitioner and just love seeing people transform and grow! My sessions blend kinesiology techniques with Chinese medicine approaches, medical intuition, energy healing, esoteric and spiritual wisdom and scientific knowledge. Tune into the wisdom of your heart and live in flow. Archives
December 2018
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