Today in the Southern hemisphere is the Autumn Equinox (Spring Equinox in the Northern hemisphere), where night and day are close to equal duration. The Autumnal Equinox is celebrated as ‘Mabon’ in the Celtic and Pagan traditions and the mid-Autumn/moon cake festival in Chinese culture (celebrated during Chinese Autumn in October).
Autumn is considered a time of harvest, both literally and symbolically. It’s the time to ‘reap what you’ve sown’ throughout spring and summer and enjoy the bounty of your hard work. Autumn also marks the beginning of the annual Yin cycle, that of slowing down, gathering and storing resources to prepare for the winter ahead. It's a time of organisation and bringing your attention inwards. In Chinese medicine, Autumn is represented by the Metal element and the Lung and Large Intestine meridians.
Now is the time to stand still (just as night at day stand at equal lengths) and reflect. Celebrate your successes with gratitude (aka bring in the harvest!). Review your ‘non-successes’ - which projects, dreams or goals weren’t realised? In clinic, I encourage you to acknowledge and celebrate your wins. When we review ‘how have you been since last session’, this is also an opportunity to reflect, acknowledge and celebrate. This is particularly relevant for the ‘high achievers’ (how Metal!) who are often so busy looking forward to the next goalpost, they don't see how far they've come. How would things be different if you acknowledged and celebrated your successes? If you were thankful? If things didn't have to be perfect and your best was good enough? Would you life be any easier if you could easily let go of what no longer served? What if you saw your own value and worth? Get in touch for your 'Autumn tune-up' session and be at your best this season! Book your appointment online or call 0423 493 255.Nadine x
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Nadine Bertalli
I help people stress less, live calmly, confidently and move forward with clarity and ease. I’m an experienced practitioner and just love seeing people transform and grow! My sessions blend kinesiology techniques with Chinese medicine approaches, medical intuition, energy healing, esoteric and spiritual wisdom and scientific knowledge. Tune into the wisdom of your heart and live in flow. Archives
December 2018
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